Paul’s Editorials

July 23, 2024

A New Era of Compensation

I’m a $1,500,000 Producer with a 45% payout. My Big 4 Employer keeps $825,000 of my revenue.

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July 1, 2024

Average Isn’t Good Enough

Some mornings I wonder why I go to Starbucks. Without fail, the barista who makes my cappuccino has a look on her face that says, “My Life Sucks.” It’s rare that my cappuccino ends up being anything other than luke-warm milk poured over a shot of espresso. Yet I go back day after day which is the textbook definition of insanity.

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June 3, 2024

Field of Dreams

Private Equity managers have flooded the independent channel the past 3 to 5 years with scads of money. It’s high time someone reminds advisors of the latin phrase, caveat emptor, which means “let the buyer beware.”

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February 20, 2024

What’s the Future of the Big-4?

Merrill Lynch once had approximately 16,000 financial advisors working in their legacy branch offices.

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January 22, 2024

America Has Voted: Banks & Big Business Are Out

Wire-House Financial Advisors’ frustration and anger was reconfirmed this past June in Gallup’s annual poll of America’s Most Trusted Institutions.

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November 15, 2023

Is Financial Advisor Training Terminally Ill?

Why have the Big 4 wire-houses scaled back their financial advisor training programs?

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October 5, 2023

Executive assistant indispensability

Long gone are the days of simply managing the calendar and answering phone calls. The executive assistant’s job in the modern era demands high productivity, and is filled with exponential complexity.

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September 12, 2023

Rock N' Roll

Yes, I have a man crush on Jimmy Page, the lead guitarist for Led Zeppelin. Page can shred like none other. I’ve been a classic rock guy dating back to the mid ‘70s. Nothing revs my engine like Hendrix, The Stones, Guns N’ Roses, AC/DC and The Kinks!

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August 3, 2023


Recently, a wirehouse advisor with three million dollars in revenue was ready to make a change – but he told me he just couldn't leave the wirehouse channel.

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July 30, 2023

First Banks; Now Private Equity Firms

I began my career on Wall Street when most firms were partnerships, and they focused exclusively on clients and employees.

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June 21, 2023

No Time To Go It Alone

It’s different this time.” I’m hearing this more frequently from economists and strategists on Bloomberg and CNBC. Why? They believe today’s inflation is the result of Covid’s pent up demand.

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May 1, 2023

Soft as Marshmallows

Maybe I’m just old and envious. Maybe it’s just a sign of the times. Maybe it’s both! Work from home, casual dress, unlimited paid time off...

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May 1, 2023

Cards Face Up

Are you tired of senior management acting like they’re the smart ones, and advisors are simple-minded? Frankly, I’m beyond tired.

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March 16, 2023

Job Well Done

The best financial advisors always work hard, but right now, even more so, because there is so much uncertainty. Half of advisors’ clients are in the final years...

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March 12, 2023

Right-Sized Profit Margins

How much is too much? Is it fair for wealth management firms to make 25% profit margins? Is it fair for mutual fund companies to charge 75 basis...

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January 6, 2023

Concierge Wealth Management

Can you imagine getting a personal telephone call from your doctor to schedule your annual physical? Moreover, what would you think...

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August 9, 2022

Scandals Lurking In The Shadows

With a large percentage of financial advisors and client associates continuing to work from home, do you think scandals will be higher or lower...

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June 27, 2022

A Risk That Paid Off

Unlike many high school graduates, I didn’t go away to college. Rather, I lived at home with my parents, and attended college as a commuter student.

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May 11, 2022

The 4% Rule

How much money do you have after your mortgage is paid off, your kids have graduated from college, and you paid for your daughter’s wedding?

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April 20, 2022

Participation Trophies

Stop the madness! No more participation trophies for playing a youth sport. No more extra credit for class participation.

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March 15, 2022

Right Size Your Lifestyle

Most veteran financial advisors need a minimum of $5,000,000 by the time they retire at age 67. The math is simple.

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February 8, 2022

Graduating Senior

Are you a second semester senior with Wall Street aspirations upon graduation? If so, congratulations. You are entering the workforce ripe for the taking.

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January 12, 2022

Modern Era “Disruptors”

Charles Schwab and Vanguard’s John Bogle were pioneer disruptors in the field of wealth management. They made access to the equity markets inexpensive.

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January 6, 2022

Impact Of The Hand-Written Note

When was the last time you received a handwritten note? Exactly. You can’t remember. No one writes them any longer.

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October 14, 2021

The X-Factor

I published the X-Factor several months prior to my leadership role at Sanctuary Wealth. The number of LinkedIn readers I had then...

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Paul’s Videos

Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness

Top 5 Reasons Big 4 Advisors Go Independent

Top 5 Wealth Management Predictions

Are you an Independent Advisor?

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