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Oct 05, 2023

Executive assistant indispensability

Long gone are the days of simply managing the calendar and answering phone calls. The executive assistant’s job in the modern era demands high productivity, and is filled with exponential complexity. The role encompasses project management, problem solving, event planning, concierge services, business management, human resources and adept technology skills. 

In client facing businesses, executive assistant’s relationship management skills are non-negotiable. In the absence of having a positive impact and good manners, IQ alone is insufficient to succeed in the job. Client service businesses are fiercely competitive, and the difference between retaining or losing a client often depends on the executive assistant’s abilities. 

The role and responsibilities that once separated the executive and his/her executive assistant has narrowed. Rather than the employer-employee model, many have chosen a partnership framework. While not formal partners, they work collaboratively on important projects and initiatives. Likewise, complex problems are jointly solved especially when large clients are involved. In fact, savvy partners use their complementary strengths as leverage to be more productive in all areas of their business. 

The best executive assistants are now recognized financially for their contributions and rightly so. Importantly, the shortage of talented executive assistants will always command a financial premium in the marketplace. Working for the right company and the right executive can lead to a long successful career. 

Many executive assistants are working mothers which adds to their personal responsibilities beyond the office. Long hours and 3 to 4 days of commuting per week often leads to “catch-up” weekends. The pace can be exhausting. Yet they begin every Monday morning with energy and optimism which is a testament to their professionalism. 

Finally, I’d be remiss not recognizing my executive assistant, Maria Felice, for our 10 year partnership. Thank you for your loyalty, professionalism, tireless work ethic and kindness.